7-Day Nutrition Challenge


Fast Track to Better Health 
with our 7-Day Reset

Over the course of 7 Days, we'll guide you through a powerful nutrition reset! By the end of this challenge, you'll feel healthier, more energized, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.

(without ever feeling deprived or unsatisfied!)

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


So you've been a little lax lately with your nutrition and now you're sluggish, bloated, and let's be real... kinda moody?

The $7 / 7-Day Reset Nutrition Challenge is unlike any nutrition reset or 'detox' plan you've ever tried before. We're all about whole foods, combining our macros, eating 5 colors a day, and FEELING GOOD. 
  • What we won't be doing... is fasting, consuming liquids only, or using 'inside scrubbing' supplements

We want to help you transform your health in a way that is sustainable. By the end of the 7 days... you will feel better than ever before... and WANT to keep going!

We’ll spend two weeks in a private Facebook community, where we’ll share the CCN Philosophy behind eating for a balanced blood sugar (it's simpler than you think), help you prepare for the 7-Day Reset, and walk you through the entire 7 days! 

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to get your nutrition game in check, you're not going to want to miss the $7 / 7-Day Reset Nutrition Challenge!

You'll feel so good you'll wonder why you didn't do this sooner!!

The CCN team includes experienced nutritionists who can provide expert guidance and support to help you achieve your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We’re here to help you feel your best and crush your health goals!

Let’s get you feeling your absolute best and reset your nutrition habits!

In JUST 7 Days You Will Experience
Increased energy: By fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods, you can experience increased energy levels and improved mental clarity throughout the day.

Better digestion: The CCN Way of Life emphasizes gut health and includes plenty of fiber-rich foods that can improve digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut.

Potential sustainable weight loss: CCN emphasizes healthy, sustainable weight loss that focuses on nourishing the body rather than restricting calories. This approach can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight without feeling deprived or hungry. Most people see some weight loss within 7 days.
Improved overall health: The CCN Way of Life is based on whole, nutrient-dense foods that provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. By following this approach, you can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

The foundation of CCN is a non-diet approach to eating.

Studies show people who diet again and again regain the weight, and typically end up at a higher body weight.

Diets create a controlling relationship with food.

CCN is designed around food freedom.

We encourage you to still indulge in a “restricted food” on occasion. A “cheat meal” is part of our 80% rule. If you can eat the CCN way 80% of the time, you’re on track to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Most diet plans don’t allow for error, so one slip up and people feel they’re off the wagon, fall back into old habits and are left discouraged.
CCN is a sustainable, long-term lifestyle choice. 

Get Out Your Calendar!
Here's what's waiting for you:

Tuesday, Dec 26th

Join us inside the Facebook Group!

Everything is better with a supportive community working towards the same goal...better health!

Meet the community, swap grocery haul photos, tips and tricks, meal plans, and more!

Wednesday, Dec 27th

12-1pm ET


Learn the CCN Food & Lifestyle Philosophy behind eating for a Balanced Blood Sugar & More!

Catch the training in the Facebook Group

Thursday, Dec 28th

12-1pm ET


Create your own 7 day Mix & Match Meal Plan

Within the structure we provide, there is room to adapt the meals to your taste and dietary needs. Learn how with Team CCN

Catch the training in the Facebook Group

Dec 29th - Jan 2nd


Use these few days to go grocery shopping, do some food prep, and set yourself up for ultimate success!

Share in the group and ask your questions!!

Wednesday, Jan 3rd


Start strong with the group!

We're all in this together, and today is DAY 1

Tuesday, Jan 10th


You did it!

Congratulations! In just 7 Days of eating the CCN Way, you're feeling better than ever before and on your way to sustainable healthy habits!

Join us for the $7 / 7-Day Reset Nutrition Challenge

In this LIVE, $7 / 7-Day Nutrition Challenge, you will receive:

  • 7 Days of Macro Balanced Meal Plans
  • ​​Food Exchange List & Other Important References
  • ​Grocery Shopping List & Meal Prep Guidance
  • ​Daily Email Check-ins
  • ​Facebook Online Group Support & Accountability

Come experience the CCN Difference


I'm Cara Clark

Founder & Lead Certified Nutritionist at Cara Clark Nutrition. I'm passionate about women's health and teaching proper nutrition that doesn't feel like deprivation.

I've worked with thousands of women teaching them clean eating and healthy habits.

I've also co-authored best-selling books including being involved in Carrie Underwood’s #1 best-selling book "Find Your Path".

But my greatest source of pride has always been serving my everyday clients with group challenge programs that can meet you exactly where you’re at and help you make lasting changes in your lifestyle.

Taking the 7-Day Reset Nutrition Challenge will not only put you on a healthy nutrition program, it'll teach you life-changing eating habits that will last you for years to come.

In this challenge, I will teach you a philosophy of nutrition that balances your blood sugar through a combo of macros and intuitive eating. 

Using holistic, integrative methods paired with science-backed nutrition research, my philosophy is total wellness. CCN engages the mind, body and spirit. My approach not only delivers results, but also improves many facets of your whole body and mind. 

During this challenge, you will learn: combining macros, balancing blood sugar, intuitive eating, eating five colors a day and more!

Challengers LOVE CCN

This $7 / 7-Day Nutrition Challenge is for you if you...

  • Want to improve your overall health and wellness
  • Want to achieve sustainable weight loss
  • Looking to increase your energy levels and improve mental clarity
  • Struggle with digestive issues or gut health concerns
  • ​Looking to get off the yo-yo diet hamster wheel
  • ​​Want to be part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all working towards their health and wellness goals

If you've answered yes to any one of the above... we can't wait to welcome you into our $7 / 7-Day Reset Nutrition Challenge.

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